Saturday, February 23, 2008

Baby Nutrition

Alright, so this actually happened a few days ago, but I've been slacking off. I also wish I had pictures to go with this little story, but in the ensuing chaos it slipped my mind.

So, a couple of days ago I'm working at the dining room table, Zander is playing at my feet - babbling away. A few minutes pass and I realize that it has gotten very quiet (cue ominous music). Now, I know that Z is still near me because I would have heard him leave and we're in the dining room, which is not exactly a hot-bed of baby danger, but you have to look just to make sure...

What I see when I look down is Z with something dark in his hand and mouth, little flecks of something stuck to his face and similar debris scattered around him and a HUGH grin on his face. Uh-oh. Fear starts kicking in right away, because I have absolutely no idea what he could possibly be eating. upon closer inspection I see that what he has in his mouth (or rather partially hanging out of, like a cigar) is dark brown and kind of furry (!!!), maybe fuzzy is a better description. In his hand and stuck to his face is what looks like iridescent cellophane.

Yes, my son has eaten a moth.

Dad freaks, quickly cleans up what is left of Z's snack and disposes of it properly. Upon returning, Z has another wing in his mouth! Son of a... where is he getting this! I continue to freak for a little while, but soon find my mind wandering to the question - what is the nutritional content of a moth?


Claudia and Bob Hale said...

Got to have some protein ...

tina kugler said...

what, no picture? what kind of a blogger are you? document first, rescue second!
jasper just (literally) ATE part of a page of job contacts i had. (he was sitting on my lap while i was engrossed in the computer like a good mother.) about 1/3 of the page is gone, as in, digested. so that's why i can't get a job THIS week.